Saturday, 7 July 2012

Fund Raising

Hey Jammers!
Scince my sister lost her NM wings thanks to a useless SCAMMER we will be raising a fund for her so we can try and get them back!
Gifts are needed so we can try and get them back!

How do you help?
By sending items/Den items so we can get enough to trade for some wings!
Because my sister lost her wings thanks to a scammer!
Just send them to ShadowChaser4 or me Duststar.

Thanks for your help jammers!



Watch out for this SCAMMER JAMMER!

She's even wearing the wings!

We are not scammers we are trying to get them back!
Thank you again!

1 comment:

  1. You hoe faces I'm no scammer! You are just idiots with no life! And also you blog sucks!
    I've had those wings from when they came out because my friend gave them to me!
    Thanks alot you hoe faces!

